Daily Archives: February 25, 2015

Verso: Good Fight

Verso returned my call on 20-Feb-2015.


(Photo credit to www.oneims.net)

First let’s hear how Verso describes sustainability: 

(From notes with Neil Aldridge, Verso Headquarters TN.)

  • It’s more than the environment, it’s the notion that we dwell in and live in this place, and we are responsible for the people in the community that we work, and owe it to them to make it a safe and clean place.
  • Make life as good as it can be, and continue to improve quality of life for the community and the workers

Sounds good Verso, keep talking:

The consumer and customer:

  • Focused on what we are using, and pulling our resources together to understand and minimize the financial impact, as well as the environmental impact

From a social point of view: The plan is to minimize the harm to the environment!


(Verso Paper Mill in Jay Maine, photo credit to fineartamerica.com)

Customers are concerned with the classic environmental aspects:

Air quality


Solid Waste

Green house gases

 Verso’s Plan on Addressing these Issues:

  • Plan on monitoring these aspects, and target these for improvement, and plan to all together improve the performance of the company.
  • Maine has very sustainable forestry regulations where the forests need to be regenerated which helps cause minimal amount of harm.

Seem to be doing great Verso: Stay tuned for more.

Public Opinion vs Cooperate Opinion

What is the difference between being a ‘logger’ and being a ‘forester’?

Does one require art, and the other just a mindless job, how do they relate? I am interested in hearing what you think!


How is one different from the other, and which would be better for our environment?


Please cast your opinions in the comments below!!


( Photo credit to www.seiu721.org)